Monday, March 30, 2009

Hawaii-Sunday, Day Nine

Forgive me for the brevity and perhaps rambling nature of this entry, but it is quite late and my brain and energy is spent-I will expound further after I am home.

We (that is Kate and I) started off the day nice and early at the workout room with an energizing workout I made up. When we got back home at about 7:15, Embla and her Mom were getting ready to go to horse camp, and Kate and I stayed behind along with George and Ellert. Kate and I walked on the beach and pretended to relax. ;-) Relaxing is just so boring!

At about 10 I made our favorite snack, chewy granola balls, to take with us on the plane the next day or for a quick snack. Before I rolled them into balls, George showed us a neat video he had recorded on the TV about the attack on Pearl Harbor, which was miles away from their home. It was very sobering, but it was nice to see the stories behind the places we would be going to that day.

When Embla returned from the horse camp, it was time for us all to go to the birthday party she was invited to. Arnheidur needed something for the party we were going to so she took the chewy balls which were a big hit because we didn't bring any home!

While they were partying, George took Kate and me to see Pearl Harbor. We went to the U.S.S. Utah, and then saw the actual hangars used in WWII and the bulletholes from the attack. Next was the Oklahoma Memorial, a beautiful site made of marble. Then was the Arizona Memorial, which you had to access by a ferry. Before that there was a very educational museum about the site. One thing that struck me were the amount of Japanese people visiting the area. I wondered what their take on it was-Do they feel proud of the of the attack? Were they proud of their country as to watch the explosions that killed hundreds in a split second? Did they feel a sense of pride in their country when their commander told the forces to "...kill every American soldier without mercy" as they visited they very country that their own was so decidedly opposed to?

Anyways, it was so amazing to see it resting there, on the bottom, right where it was decades ago. There are some 1,300 men still buried in the wreckage and so it has been declared a gravesite.

We went back to the party and they were nearly done. Next, we went to a restaurant that was dubbed my favorite restaurant of all time. It's smack dab in the middle of Waikiki beach, airy and fresh, and you grill your own meat complete with any spices you prefer. If that's not enough, they had a giant salad bar, complete with more than salad-ciabatta, fresh pineapple you can grill, a bean salad, potato and pasta salads-it was all so delicious!!

Well, tomorrow I leave for HOME at 10:55 pm Hawaii time! I am so excited. Paradise is nice, but home is the best! I am so ready to leave for various reasons, and I can't wait to see my dear family again!! I have missed them so very much in the past 11 days.

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