Wednesday, May 20, 2015

DC: Day Three

We had a leisurely morning after staying up so late last night. I haven't said much about our hotel, but it is very nice. It's a suite, has a fridge, and the beds are very comfortable. There is a pool here but we haven't gone it yet because we've been rather occupied. 

This is the only thing wrong with our hotel room: 
(Can someone tell me what a slidding glass door is?)

We ate a very late breakfast as our lunch at the Royal Cafe across the street from our hotel. Somehow, we got on the topic of quirky family stories and thus I enjoyed hearing little bits and pieces of family history from Aunt Rachel.

I will relay a bit of the highlights.

Way back when, when Howard Lee (who we saw last night) was a little boy, Rachel's family got a telegram that someone had died, and they assumed that it was Howard's Mother. Much of the family travelled down to Dillon for the viewing, which was held in Howard Lee's family home. 

The viewing was held in the house. When they saw the body, Cousin Anise said aloud what everyone was
thinking: "@&#%, she really suffered!

As they exited the viewing, eyes red, who should they see but Kate, Howard's mother, standing by the door, the woman who they were supposed to be mourning and who was supposed to be the one who died. It had been HER mother that died (Howard's Grandma) not her. Dr. Phil Ray, Rachel's father sent a telegram to the very confused mourners:
"Sorry you were disappointed." (Only Dr. Phil could get away with such a wry remark) :)

Ah, the stories of Dr. Phil. I may have to do a whole post on that sometime. 

But anyway. We walked part of the way to King Street, but opted for a cab mid way there. The following is an accurate description of what I feel like when I ride in a cab:


We explored King street, and did our version of shopping: look look look, but don't really buy anything, cause we don't have room and we cheap (well, just savvy.) Those lululemon workout capris might look fabulous, but are they $120 fabulous? Methinks: NO. 

We did buy some blueberry Black Tea and such at the Tea and Spice exchange. Also worth noting was that a fellow Anthropologie shopper mistook me for an employee, which was kind of a compliment? ;)

Went to the Presbyterian meeting house where George Washingtons funeral was held and is the final resting place of John Muir, the Scottish Bishop that preached that funeral. It is also where William Hunter and James Hunter are buried, two men that Aunt Rachel said may, in fact, be our relatives. We didn't get to go inside but exploring the grounds was worth it.

We grabbed another taxi back to the hotel and then made a quick supply run to the grocery store across the way. 

Aunt Rachel stayed at the hotel while I walked down to the Braddock Metro Station and rode it down a few stops to MEET MY FRIEND MAURYA!! :D 

I met Maurya (pronounced: ma-ri-ah) at the shindig we attended last September. As I recall, we met during a rather crazy game of musical chairs, during which I may or may not have sat on her by accident- don't remember exactly, but I probably did. ;) But anyway, we really hit it off, and have been keeping up with each other since then. 

She heard that I was going to be in DC for a few days and very kindly offered to have me over to her house for dinner with her family. It was wonderful! I had such a lovely evening spent with likeminded folks. We did a lot laughing, that's for sure! They just blessed my socks off between the awesome food and the great fellowship. Thank you, Petrick family, for opening your home to me!

They even drove me back to my hotel! No more metro for me again today. ;) Again, thanks y'all! 

As I type this I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the big day! This is the last night I'll get decent sleep for 24 hours (oh boy!) We fly out at 3:10 from Reagan, then Detroit, then Amsterdam, then Germany. I'll be six hours ahead of you US of A folks, but I will continue blogging, so stay tuned!


Shakespeare_fan said...
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Shakespeare_fan said...

As always, I loved reading your story for the day. I have heard some of the Dr. Phil stories, and I think you and Rachel should get together and publish a book about him! Have a great flight. I hope you have good seats. Tell Rachel and George hello for me. Keep writing during your entire trip. You will have quite a wonderful journal when you finish.

Shakespeare_fan said...

Kudos from Fern!