I feel as though a closing post, a "bookend" of sorts, is in order as I conclude these posts on my travels.
First of all, I must say how extremely grateful I am for my time overseas, for the family that made it possible, for the beds that were given up for us to sleep on, the meals paid for even when we attempted to pay for them ourselves. I am nothing but thankful to have had this opportunity to spend overseas, and I'm especially thankful to have my Mother, who ran my baking business seamlessly in my absence along with keeping her many other responsibilities as a homeschooling Mother with eight children. When it comes down to it, she is the reason why I was even able to go on this trip.
One thing I realized about traveling is that you really can't see it all and do everything once you arrive in your location of choice, be it Germany or Europe or somewhere else. One cannot possibly do everything or see everything, and if you try, you're sure to drive yourself crazy, and, just like the clocks they sell around the area I visited, you will undoubtedly go cuckoo. Trying to "do it all" for the sake of doing it all will have that kind of effect. This can apply to other areas of life as well.
Namely, why is it that we grab for what we do not have while ignoring the many blessings which we already possess? Instead of chasing the "next thing" in life, always looking for more, how about we simply pause and be thankful?
As such, I want to make the best of and the most of my time, wherever I might happen to be. I strive to uphold this principle, which is, in the words of Jim Elliot-
"Wherever you are, be all there."
And I am. Haven't always been, but I am. I want to always live in that manner, no matter if I am at home, working on the farm, or traveling to a new place or culture as I did recently.
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy..." There is plenty of that being exemplified in our culture today. But thankfully, there is someone who wishes to help us live this life we have on earth to the full: "....I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) More abundantly. I don't know about you, but that's the way that I would like to live.
And what is that "will?" To love God, love People, and make Disciples. "....to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." |
For many reasons, some personal, this trip was very therapeutic for me. I believe it grew me in different ways and also taught me some things that I am now taking to heart. It also made me aware of some things and attitudes about myself that are most clearly seen when you are taken outside out of your normal routine or "rut," so to speak.
When you get well outside your usual routine and mode of operation, it's almost as if the fog and shortsightedness that can sometimes surround our doings as individuals has lifted, and the patterns of behavior one has been unconsciously operating under are suddenly made clear. The dross rises to the surface, and then the changes can be made.
I feel so blessed to have had this amazing experience and to be able to share the written account here on my blog. For my part, I have certainly enjoyed writing and compiling the posts, even though there were a couple times I didn't think I'd be able to continue my writing streak due to one factor or another.
It's true that I definitely had my fair share of late-nights spent lying in bed, typing up posts. But looking back, those late nights and the work that comes with putting things into words was absolutely worth it. I now have a detailed record of my time so that I won't soon forget my experiences for years to come.
"The LORD has done great things for us, And we are glad." (Psalm 126:3) |